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Ryan Secord, Business Advisor

Email: rsecord@henriott.com

Phone: 765.838.8617

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryan-s-7851bb28/

Expertise: My expertise is in the Employee Benefits and Property and Liability sides of insurance. I enjoy helping private and public entities make financial decisions around their insurance programs to help them meet their goals and objectives. 

Problems I Solve: I help my clients manage the Employee Benefits Program in a sustainable and human-conscious way. From cost to ensuring every employee and their families have the services they need to be well, I’m passionate about making my clients feel like the word benefits means something positive. 

The Importance of my Role: My role ensures my clients get the medical assistance they need at a reasonable cost to the benefits plan. This is important because medical benefits are a deeply personal thing, especially when someone is accessing them due to illness. I believe those who need medical assistance should be focusing on healing, not the red tape headaches that can come with the medical system. I work hard to make sure my clients have be the best quality medical outcomes while containing and controlling cost. 

Bio: My primary experience in managing relationships with boards, elected councils and executives has helped me successfully navigate strong opportunities for my municipal clients irrespective of the makeup of each governing body.

Education: 2009 graduate, Michigan State University, Bachelors in Political Science

About Me: I have two sons both under 10 years-old. I enjoy playing sports and video games with them. 



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